Logos, Logos, Everywhere Logos!

Our division recently found itself in need of a logo. Our publisher, APA Journals, asked if we had one to use in future issues of Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, our fine journal.

You would think that a group devoted to art and creativity would have all kinds of logos littering the place, but we don’t, so we held a logo contest and invited our members to submit ideas.

And the winners are…

Instead of pitching just one image, Iza Lebuda and Marcin Ukleja submitted an impressive batch of logos. They won the logo contest for their full collection of logos, which offer some fun and quirky variations.

You’ll be seeing these in our online and print publications in the coming months, but here they are for your more immediate aesthetic gratification.

Congratulations again to Iza and Marcin!




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