Division 10 is looking for fellows!
Each year, Division 10 nominates scholars who have contributed to the field of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts at a national level. If you are not an APA Fellow and are interested in becoming a Fellow or nominating a colleague to be a Fellow, full information is available here:
Criteria for Fellow Status (from the APA website):
- Doctoral degree based in part on a psychological dissertation.
- Prior status as a member for at least one year, and nomination by a division to which the member belongs.
- Active engagement in the advancement of psychology.
- Five years of acceptable postdoctoral experience.
- Evidence of unusual and outstanding contribution or performance in the field of psychology.
What you will need to apply:
- Your (or the nominee’s) Vita
- (brief) supporting documentation of your (or the nominee’s) contributions to the field of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts at a national level.
- At least three letters of support from APA Fellows. Note that the letter-writers do not specifically need to be a Fellow of Division 10. They should be Fellows of APA, but being a Fellow of another division is absolutely fine. A list of current Division 10 Fellows is available at http://www.div10.org/div10-fellows/.
This year’s application deadline is December 15, 2019.
If you are an APA Fellow but are not a Fellow of Division 10, we simply need a brief statement about your contributions to the field and your CV, as well as an official request. Please submit these application materials directly to the Committee Chair, Michael Mumford (mmumford@ou.edu)